Caring Enough to Look: This piece, like all of my work, has significant literal and metaphoric symbolism. As always, the long legs represent rising above life's challenges. This sculpture is a literal representation of what those in the health career fields do on a daily basis: They look closely at our physical bodies to learn the best ways that to help us to be healthy and strong. The symbolic meaning is what we all hope that people will do for us as well: to care enough look; to really see the beauty in who we are. The art in opening of the body abstractly references some of the beautiful microscopic photos I have seen of cells in the body, as well as the flowers in the outdoor gardens. The inner section is clear UV resistant plexi-glass layers with transparent alcohol inks to create a stunning dimensional art piece within the sculpture. This bronze sculpture is a outdoor and yet intimate size of 3 feet tall inviting the viewer to look closely to see what is inside. "I think, in the end, we all just want to be seen, to be heard, and to be felt" Lorri Acott

Price $12,500.00
Dimensions 35 x 12 x 8
H x W x D (in)